What have I become? Or should I say, what have we become? Monsters of our own desire and lust?
“Go home.” I hear it whispering,
close to my ears. I wish to, but how? How am I supposed to go home when I
myself have erased the route away from my mind? It is in this woods that I
encounter remorse. Not because of the journey, but because of the detour I
made before.
The moment I stepped my foot way beyond the path that I should’ve traveled,
I don’t dare look back, for I fear the Master’s urging rage. I fear him, but
then the people in the house tell me that I shall fret not. He forgives more
than anyone else does, he accepts more than anyone else does, they say. As long
as I return, reward awaits. REWARDS indeed.
The question is; can I simply put off this boots? They
are the ones dragging me further away. I need to go. I have to. The blame,
is somehow on me. I can’t seem to have the guts to even untie the laces. My worry
is at the thoughts of it being taken by someone else. THAT is something beyond my
control, I am fully aware of. Trust me I’ll come back to you. Trust me on this
one baby, please.
When the time comes, I’ll rush my way here. I promise. I dream of happiness, of peace, in my home, in our home. Not only for me,
but for you too.
p/s: Sayang tak terluah. Payah, kononnya.